Selenium setup is quite different from the setup of other commercial tools.
Before you can start writing Selenium code, you have to
install the language bindings libraries for your language of choice, the browser you
want to use, and the driver for that browser.
Follow the links below to get up and going with Selenium WebDriver.
If you wish to start with a low-code/record and playback tool, please check
Selenium IDE
Once you get things working, if you want to scale up your tests, check out the
Selenium Grid.
You can find the minimum required version of Node for any given version of Selenium in the
你可以在此查看 Selenium 对 Node 的版本支持情况
位于 Node Support Policy 中的相关章节 npmjs
Most Selenium users execute many sessions and need to organize them to minimize duplication and keep the code
more maintainable. Read on to learn about how to put this code into context for your use case with
Using Selenium.
3 - Organizing and Executing Selenium Code
Scaling Selenium execution with an IDE and a Test Runner library
If you want to run more than a handful of one-off scripts, you need to
be able to organize and work with your code. This page should give you
ideas for how to actually do productive things with your Selenium code.
Common Uses
Most people use Selenium to execute automated tests for web applications,
but Selenium support any use case of browser automation.
Repetitive Tasks
Perhaps you need to log into a website and download something, or submit a form.
You can create a Selenium script to run with a service at preset times.
Web Scraping
Are you looking to collect data from a site that doesn’t have an API? Selenium
will let you do this, but please make sure you are familiar with the website’s
terms of service as some websites do not permit it and others will even block Selenium.
Running Selenium for testing requires making assertions on actions taken by Selenium.
So a good assertion library is required. Additional features to provide structure for tests
require use of Test Runner.
Regardless of how you use Selenium code,
you won’t be very effective writing or executing it without a good
Integrated Developer Environment. Here are some common options…
Even if you aren’t using Selenium for testing, if you have advanced use cases, it might make
sense to use a test runner to better organize your code. Being able to use before/after hooks
and run things in groups or in parallel can be very useful.
There are many different test runners available.
All the code examples in this documentation can be found in (or is being moved to) our
example directories that use test runners and get executed every release to ensure all the code is correct and updated.
Here is a list of test runners with links. The first item is the one that is used by this repository and the one
that will be used for all examples on this page.
JUnit - A widely-used testing framework for Java-based Selenium tests.
TestNG - Offers extra features like parallel test execution and parameterized tests.
pytest - A preferred choice for many, thanks to its simplicity and powerful plugins.
unittest - Python’s standard library testing framework.
NUnit - A popular unit-testing framework for .NET.
RSpec - The most widely used testing library for running Selenium tests in Ruby.
Minitest - A lightweight testing framework that comes with Ruby standard library.
Jest - Primarily known as a testing framework for React, it can also be used for Selenium tests.
Mocha - The most common JS library for running Selenium tests.
This is very similar to what was required in Install a Selenium Library.
This code is only showing examples for what is being used in our Documentation Examples project.
To use it in a project, add it to the requirements.txt file:
in the project’s csproj file, specify the dependency as a PackageReference in ItemGroup:
Add to project’s gemfile
In your project’s package.json, add requirement to dependencies: