为 Selenium 文档做贡献


Selenium是一个大型软件项目, 其网站和文档是了解事情如何工作以及学习有效利用其潜力的关键.

该项目包含Selenium的网站和文档. 这是一项持续的工作(不针对任何特定版本), 用于提供有效使用Selenium、 如何参与以及如何为Selenium做出贡献的更新信息.


Selenium项目欢迎每一个人的贡献. 您可以通过多种方式提供帮助:


在报告新问题或评论现有问题时, 请确保讨论与Selenium的软件、 其站点与文档的具体技术问题相关.

随着时间的推移, 所有Selenium组件的变化都非常快, 因此这可能会导致文档过时. 如前所述, 如果您确实遇到这种情况, 请不要为此担心. 您也可能知道如何更新文档, 因此请向我们发送包含相关更改的Pull Request.

如果不确定所发现的问题是否存在, 请通过以下沟通渠道进行描述 https://selenium.dev/support.

What to Help With

Creating Examples

Examples that need to be moved are marked with:

Add Example

We want to be able to run all of our code examples in the CI to ensure that people can copy and paste and execute everything on the site. So we put the code where it belongs in the examples directory. Each page in the documentation correlates to a test file in each of the languages, and should follow naming conventions. For instance examples for this page https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/webdriver/browsers/chrome/ get added in these files:

  • "/examples/java/src/test/java/dev/selenium/browsers/ChromeTest.java"
  • "/examples/python/tests/browsers/test_chrome.py"
  • "/examples/dotnet/SeleniumDocs/Browsers/ChromeTest.cs"
  • "/examples/ruby/spec/browsers/chrome_spec.rb"
  • "/examples/javascript/test/browser/chromeSpecificCaps.spec.js"

Each example should get its own test. Ideally each test has an assertion that verifies the code works as intended. Once the code is copied to its own test in the proper file, it needs to be referenced in the markdown file.

For example, the tab in Ruby would look like this:

    {{< tab header="Ruby" >}}
    {{< gh-codeblock path="/examples/ruby/spec/browsers/chrome_spec.rb#L8-L9" >}}
    {{< /tab >}}

The line numbers at the end represent only the line or lines of code that actually represent the item being displayed. If a user wants more context, they can click the link to the GitHub page that will show the full context.

Make sure that if you add a test to the page that all the other line numbers in the markdown file are still correct. Adding a test at the top of a page means updating every single reference in the documentation that has a line number for that file.

Finally, make sure that the tests pass in the CI.

Moving Examples

Examples that need to be moved are marked with:

Move Code

Everything from the Creating Examples section applies, with one addition.

Make sure the tab includes text=true. By default, the tabs get formatted for code, so to use markdown or other shortcode statements (like gh-codeblock) it needs to be declared as text. For most examples, the tabpane declares the text=true, but if some of the tabs have code examples, the tabpane cannot specify it, and it must be specified in the tabs that do not need automatic code formatting.


Selenium项目欢迎新的贡献者. 随时间做出重大贡献的个人将成为 提交者 , 并获得对该项目的提交权限.


步骤 1: Fork

Github上Fork本项目, 并check out到您的本地

% git clone git@github.com:seleniumhq/seleniumhq.github.io.git
% cd seleniumhq.github.io

依赖: Hugo

我们使用 HugoDocsy theme 用于构建和渲染本网站. 你需要Hugo“extended”扩展的Sass/SCSS版本用于这个网站. 我们推荐使用0.110.0或更高版本的Hugo.

请参考来自Docsy的说明 安装Hugo .

步骤 2: 分支


% git checkout -b my-feature-branch

我们实践基于HEAD的开发模式, 这意味着所有更改都直接应用在trunk之上.

步骤 3: 做出改变

本仓库包含站点和文档. 在开始进行更改之前, 请初始化子模块并安装所需的依赖项 (请参阅下面的命令). 要对网站进行更改, 请使用 website_and_docs 目录. 要查看更改的实时预览, 请在站点的根目录上运行 hugo server .

% git submodule update --init --recursive
% cd website_and_docs
% hugo server

请参阅 样式指南 , 以了解更多关于我们约定的信息

步骤 4: 提交


% git config --global user.name 'Santa Claus'
% git config --global user.email 'santa@example.com'

编写良好的提交信息很重要. 提交信息应描述更改的内容, 原因以及已解决的参考问题(如果有). 撰写时应遵循以下规则:

  1. 第一行应少于或等于50个字符, 并包含对该更改的简短说明.
  2. 保持第二行空白.
  3. 在所有72列处换行.
  4. 包括 Fixes #N, 其中 N 是提交修复的问题编号(如果有).


explain commit normatively in one line

Body of commit message is a few lines of text, explaining things
in more detail, possibly giving some background about the issue
being fixed, etc.

The body of the commit message can be several paragraphs, and
please do proper word-wrap and keep columns shorter than about
72 characters or so. That way `git log` will show things
nicely even when it is indented.

Fixes #141

第一行必须有意义, 因为这是人们在运行 git shortloggit log --oneline 时看到的内容.

步骤 5: Rebase

使用 git rebase (并非 git merge) 同步实时的工作.

% git fetch origin
% git rebase origin/trunk

步骤 6: 测试

永远记住要运行本地服务, 这样做可以确保您的更改没有破坏任何事情.

步骤 7: Push

% git push origin my-feature-branch

访问 https://github.com/yourusername/seleniumhq.github.io.git 并点击 Pull Request 以及填写表格. 请明确您已经签署了CLA (详见步骤 7).

Pull requests通常会在几天内进行审核. 如果有评论要解决, 请在新提交(最好是修正)中应用您的更改, 然后推push到同一分支.

步骤 8: 集成

代码审查完成后, 提交者将获取您的PR并将其集成到项目的trunk分支中. 因为我们希望在trunk分支上保持线性历史记录, 所以我们通常会squash并rebase您的分支历史记录.


有关如何与项目贡献者和整个社区进行沟通的所有详细信息, 请访问以下网址 https://selenium.dev/support

最后修改 October 3, 2023: Update hugo as required (#1491) (aa734862bf)